Blueprint for The Triad Plus The Light: Merely one of the countless possibilities.

Radial Shockwave x Focused Shockwave x EMTT x MLS M6 Laser = The Triad Plus The Light = Expedited Healing and Decreased Pain. 

The elements comprising The Triad Plus The Light each have distinct powers. When their diverse traits combine, they spark synergistic healing potential, which leads to significant results and unmatched therapeutic efficacy.

It is their difference that makes all the difference. 

The Triad Plus The Light x Orthobiologics: What was once untreatable is now treatable.  

Stop that train of pain in its tracks. Now. 

The Triad Plus The Light: Brief Summary of Strengths and Differences

Radial Shockwave: 

Acoustic Pressure Waves disintegrate painful and unhealthy tissue into refined grains of sand…and wash away.

The Storz Medical Radial Shockwave, also known as rSWT or extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT), uses pneumatic pressure to generate Acoustic Pressure Waves when a projectile in the handle hits the Transducer Tip. This repeated action converts kinetic energy into a potent wave that targets and disintegrates persistent pain and injury factors, such as trigger points that cause pain and challenging injuries.

Key benefit: Think of a flashlight: It covers a significant area but doesn’t penetrate deeply. It covers a large area, such as an entire muscle group, the hamstring, or the trapezius. Radial shockwaves allow you to release critical areas of injured, ischemic, or restricted muscles, tendons, ligaments, trigger points, and adhesions with fresh oxygen and nutrient-rich bloodflow. 

Different Transducer Tips, such as the silicon Atlas tip, allow for practical benefit near excessively sore or tight areas, including the cervical spine. The gold Titanium tip allows for about 1.68 inches (4.267 centimeters) of depth, ideal for the positive benefit of piriformis syndrome, deep muscles to the calf, and many other areas of significant tightness. 

Whether using Radial or Focused devices, aiming for a pain level of 4 to 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 is ideal for Shockwave Therapy. Excessive intensity may lead individuals to consider skipping the therapy, resulting in missed opportunities for recovery. 

Some may discount the effectiveness of Radial Shockwave therapy compared to Focused Shockwave therapy (ESWT), yet without both the peanut butter and the jelly, you don’t have the intended results of the most effective one-two punch possible.  

Focused Shockwave. ESWT. fSWT: 

Breaks The Speed of Sound to Advance the Fastest Healing.

Every day, I’m amazed by the impact of Focused Shockwave therapy—easing pain and speeding healing for difficult-to-treat injuries. It’s a powerful device for various conditions, from recent injuries to persistent pain that was hard to manage.

The Focused Shockwave targets Trigger Points, adhesions, and damaged ligaments or tendons. Each audible click resembles a fighter jet breaking the sound barrier, delivering a powerful shockwave to the precise pain site.

Healing begins immediately after the initial session, and it is usually recommended that an individual suffering pain or injury have at least 3 to 6 sessions of one treatment per week. After the fifth or sixth session, take a few weeks off from Radial and Focused Shockwave treatment. This break will help to create the optimum healing environment for cell regeneration. 

EMTT and MLS Laser could continue to be used during this brief hiatus so that profound healing can continue without a break. 

Inform your patient that positive outcomes from shockwave therapy may be noticeable shortly after starting, with benefits unfolding gradually over the next 3 to 6 months. This prolonged period fosters an optimal healing environment for profound relief.

When someone claims their pain miraculously vanished five months after their last treatment, attributing it to devouring a box of Wheaties the night before, approach it with a hint of skepticism or a taste of honey!

Integrating Focused Shockwave for any acute or long-term injuries, like severe plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, tendinopathy, medial and lateral Epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, piriformis syndrome, SI Joint Dysfunction, osteitis pubis, coccydynia, 

Rotator Cuff Injury, TFCC, Navicular Stress reaction, any muscle or tendon sprain, and every ligamental sprain or injury, like an Ulnar Collateral Ligament tear, as long as it is not Grade 3, can exceptionally benefit virtually any musculoskeletal pain or injury that may present to your practice.  

A vital reminder to avoid contact with the lungs when using Focused Shockwaves to prevent potentially serious lung injuries.

Radial and Focused Shockwave Combined

Mastering the utilization of The Triad Plus The Light is an art form that produces optimal results in assisting patients and clients in breaking free from pain cycles, recovering from injuries, potentially avoiding surgeries, and regaining control of their lives.

By treating the Transducer Tip and Standoffs as an extension of your fingers, you can pinpoint the root cause of injury and pain and effectively address it.

Healing tissue dynamically. Changing lives dramatically. 


A high-powered electromagnetic pulse that penetrates bones and joints to alleviate inflammation at its source.

Storz Medical’s ElectromagnetoTransduction Therapy device, EMTT, penetrates through bone and deep into joints, up to 6 inches on each side of the treatment handle. This technology is particularly effective for reducing inflammation and resultant pain that would otherwise be inaccessible to helpful treatment other than injecting stem cells or PRP. 

Moreover, EMTT provides notable advantages for ailments such as osteoarthritis of hip/knee/shoulder/ankle joints, herniated or bulging discs, SI Joint Dysfunction, osteitis pubis, and virtually all musculoskeletal acute or chronic injuries or pains, spanning from stress fractures and stress reactions, shin splints, tennis elbow, and frozen shoulder. 

EMTT profoundly reduces pain and swelling after an acute injury. Patients may limp in with a balloon attached to their joint, leaving swelling and pain noticeably deflated.  

To achieve the best outcomes, deliver 6000 to 8000 pulses of EMTT at the highest power setting of 8 HZ. Place the handle against the most painful or injured area. If treating a knee or hip, position it at different angles—front, back, or side—to ensure comprehensive joint benefits from this potent healing method.

It’s important to note that the EMTT may not be felt except in certain areas like the shoulder, ASIS, or Sacrum. However, observing the paperclip sparking will showcase the unleashed healing potential for all to witness.

MLS M6 Laser: 

The Sun nurtures life; MLS Laser heals at the cellular level with laser light. 

The MLS Laser is programmed explicitly for various injuries, from fractures to tendinitis to strains and sprains to plantar fasciitis. It also has about 30 other preset treatment options and the most effective Hertz, Duration, and total measure of healing, Joules. 

The MLS Laser has two different laser light frequencies: 808 nm, which helps to reduce inflammation, and 905 nm, which provides an analgesic effect on painful and injured soft tissue. 

These dual laser beams penetrate soft tissue up to 2 inches deep, enhancing mitochondria activity and boosting ATP production within cell structures. Healing originates from within, reducing inflammation and pain while promoting profound recovery.

Each laser session takes around 8 to 12 minutes, and it is recommended that ten sessions be held for chronic pain or injury once or, ideally, twice per week. If suffering from an acute injury, then six sessions total, twice or more times per week, and then reevaluate.  

Radial and Focused Shockwave Therapy, EMTT, and MLS Laser Combination: Possible Treatment Schedule.

At, if a client wants to get better faster, they ideally get treatment twice weekly: one session would include effective manual therapy combined with at least two or more components of The Triad Plus Light, normally Radial and Focused Shockwave, EMTT, and MLS Laser.

The second weekly session includes EMTT and the MLS M6 Laser, suggested 48 to 96 hours post the initial appointment. Adding these to your clinic offers multiple benefits. The critical advantage is aiding clients in pain relief and quicker healing. Another important point is that each device can be set up swiftly, allowing for simultaneous work with another person.

For acute injuries, such as significant ankle sprains or musculotendinous strains, traumatic injuries, or sports-related injuries, the immediate application of EMTT and MLS Laser provides the most beneficial initial treatment option. 

Focused Shockwave Therapy enhances healing and helps modulate swelling in acute injuries. Depending on the severity of the acute soft tissue injury, it may be advisable to wait a few days before administering fSWT.

Although every person’s injury or pain pattern is unique, tested and refined treatment protocols can be individually tailored to meet their needs.

Orthobiologics + The Triad Plus The Light: The Ultimate Healing Solution.

Each of the four healing devices—acoustic pressure, true shockwave, high-powered electromagnetic pulse, and laser light — applies a specific therapeutic effect, and their differences create the synergistic potential for rapid healing.

Pre—and post-Orthobiologics, combining The Triad Plus The Light, helps “prepare the soil” for integrating stem cells and PRP, achieving the best outcomes. 

Which picture portends a better outcome and potential percentage for obtaining optimal results from an orthobiologic procedure?  

Injecting the highest quality of PRP or stem cells into an ischemic, unhealthy, dried-out sponge or

Pre-treating an orthobiologic site with The Triad Plus The Light, creating a nutrient-rich reception site where the PRP and stem cells are ushered to the most critical areas for optimum healing? 

When offering orthobiologics, you want the best possible outcomes for your patients. This will not only help get that person back in action faster, but they will also happily spread the word about your exceptional care.  

Optimize for best possible outcomes: 

Imagine working each day knowing you have a solution to help most people who have suffered in pain for far too long and just want to return to their Optimum Level of Performance and enjoy life to the fullest. 

I sincerely appreciate the regenerative healing experts’ invaluable guidance through videos and direct communication via LinkedIn, emails, and calls. They are always ready to share their experiences and recommendations freely. 

I’ve participated in training sessions and conferences led by respected experts in Shockwave Therapy, EMTT, and Laser Therapy. Events such as the CuraMedix Soft Tissue Regeneration Conference, the International Society of Medical Shockwave Treatment (ISMST), The Academy of Shockwave Excellence, and The Orthobiologic Institute (TOBI) have been incredibly enriching experiences.

The potential of The Triad and The Light is immense. Could the elements of The Triad combined with The Light effectively ease the discomfort linked to conditions such as IBS, colitis, cystitis, endometriosis, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and numerous other challenging symptoms and diseases that impact individuals with few treatment alternatives?

Time, research, and studies will ultimately provide the answers, but engaging in collaborative discussions on LinkedIn to exchange insights and experiences with one another could significantly accelerate positive outcomes.